Discount code

Best Available Rate! 11% discount you get by entering the discount code EALOYALTY. Not applicable to special offers.

Map and directions

Ramada Airport Hotel Prague****  is located beside the Terminal 3 of Václav Havel Airport Prague.

Transport from Ramada Airport Hotel Prague to the city center

  • Bus No. 119 to Nádraží Veleslavín, change to metro A to Můstek station (center)
  • Bus No. 100 to Zličín, change to metro B to Můstek station (center)

Transport from the Václav Havel Airport Prague

Free transport – hotel shuttle bus

  • Free hotel bus transport is available 24/7.
  • Prior booking at the hotel front desk required.

Municipal transport – bus lines

  • Daytime lines No. 100, 119, 179 and 191 (4:30 AM – 11:30 PM every day)
  • Night line No. 510
  • From the airport (Terminal 1 stop) to Terminal 3 stop: fifth stop (approx. 7 minutes drive). Warning – flag stop (prior signal is required). Terminal 3 stop is located 140 meters away from the hotel.

Means of Transport

DestinationKmMeans of Transport
CarMunicipal Transport (MHD)
Václav Havel Airport Prague 0,5 km 4 min. 7 min.
Train – Main Railway Station Prague 14 km 25 min. 30 min.
Bus – Central Bus Station (ÚAN) Florenc 12 km 20 min. 25 min.
Metro – Dejvická, line A – green 6 km 15 min. 15 min.

Map and hotel surroundings

In the map application you can see the nearest surroundings of the hotel, you can zoom in and out, search for tourist tips or use the router.

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